UPDATE: Here is the hacky point storage method. Requires a whole lot of tedious patching and Kineme’s File tools and Structure tools, but I’ll try and post a working version soon. It’s a bit clunky, but it definitely works. To remove an application like uninstall Kineme3D, there are now more than one way to perform the uninstallation on the Mac. Here’s some screenshots, and below that is Vidvox’s very helpful video on getting it all up and runningĮDIT: Got point storage working.sort of. Select the application you need to remove, and follow the guides to perform the uninstallation step by step Close the uninstaller, and restart your Mac if necessary Conclusion. Then again…all of this kind of work will probably be moot when the actual MadMapper app comes out…but I’m really impressed by the ease of mapper…seems like it will certainly come in handy. Next I just need to figure out how to tackle point storage, since most of the would be reset every time you reload your VDMX preset…unless you’re just using the sliders for offset values. I did the rote work to make all 16 warp points available and gave them additional offset controls for more fine-tuning within VDMX. Although it still is extremely functional for other versions, you just won’t have mouse interaction in the VDMX preview window.
typing which firebase and rmShort answer: npm uninstall -g firebase-tools. This comp will be really useful for those of you with VDMX beta 8 access. see below for a better method for those who installed with npm install -g firebase-tools. Say you want to make your webcam only blue, as in remove the green and red portions. (see below for comp that includes POINT STORAGE) Im trying to work out the Kineme File Tools Open & Save panels. Quartz Composer - 1024 Bezier Warp - Expanded Example Patch (1291 downloads) Second, grab my expanded version of their example patch for use in VDMX: First, make sure you have 1024’s amazing Bezier Warp QCplugin: (get it from their “box” on the left side of the page)